Pinot Grigio at Wagamama

Pinot grigio is a white dry wine whose strength ranges between 11 and 12 proof. Its characteristic features include an old recipe. Many brands have tried to improve it. Today there are many types of the standard recipe.

🥦 – vegetarian, 🌱 – vegan.


An average of 2100 kcal (8600 kJ) is required for normal weight maintenance. Calculated for the UK.

per serving

per 100 g


Beverages play a huge role in human life. They not only quench thirst, but can also be a source of pleasure, enjoyment and even cultural experience. Drinks can be paired with different dishes, lift our spirits and create a festive atmosphere. It’s important to pay attention to what we drink and make sure we’re getting the right balance of nutrients our bodies need. Take a look at the nutritional value of this drink in the table below (data in grams).

Per serving (g)Per 100 g


For those who suffer from allergies, it is important to take all precautions and scrutinise the composition of the drink.

The Pinot grigio drink does not contain any of the 14 declared allergens.


For a drink volume of 125ml:


For a drink volume of 250ml:


The price of a dish may vary and depends on the location of the restaurant. Data collected from publicly available information sources and is current as of January 2025.

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